1. It's important to plan early and properly. Do it now.
2. It's wise to draw up a timetable first.
3. Your time-management schedule should be designed to fit your needs and personality.
4. Be realistic about how and where you're going to spend your study time.
5. Prioritise your tasks to ensure that the most important things will get done first.
6. Remember to allocate more time for subjects you're not good at.
7. Once the master plan has been drawn, remember to follow it.
8. Use a diary to record any additional plans and schedule.
9. Evaluate your progress constantly. Be flexible and make adjustments to the plan.
10. Make your study area pleasant so that you can study in comfort.
11. Identify your peak performance period and take advantage of it.
12. Don't just study hard. Study smart.
13. Give yourself "mini" tests when you're revising. Get friends and family members to help.
14. Take time to relax and get enough sleep and rest.
15. Avoid cramming marathons. Take a break, get out and exercise.
16. Be ready for the big day. Have an early night before and be positive.
17. If you're desperate for time, pay more attention to topics that will earn you the most marks.
18. Don't panic during your exams, take time to read the questions carefully.
19. When taking your exams, try to keep to the time allotted for each question.
20. If you fall behind time, instead of writing half an answer, jot down your answer in note form
West Coast Plaza
12 years ago